Overbooking is standard practice in the commercial aviation industry to increase revenue, yet it can often impact customers on their day-of travel and lead to frustration. Enter Volantio. Volantio is a global leader in post-booking revenue and capacity optimization software for airlines to book flights intelligently. Its flagship, web-based platform Yana leverages machine learning algorithms to proactively identify flexible passengers on high-demand flights, make them offers to move to lower-demand flights, and automatically rebook them once they accept, offering a win-win solution for airlines and customers alike.

“At JetBlue Ventures, we like to invest early in innovative solutions to travel industry challenges. We are impressed with the early traction Volantio has received for its post-booking revenue and capacity optimization engine.”

Ryan Chou

Managing Director, Investments, JetBlue Ventures

“Our platform provides a rare triple-win where flexible passengers receive a benefit for changing their travel plans, with minimal hassle, last-minute travelers who must fly at a specific time are able to access flights that otherwise would have been full, and airlines have the ability to maximize revenue, network capacity, and customer satisfaction. We are extremely proud that the investment arm of JetBlue has chosen to back Volantio and its market leading technology.”

Azim Barodawala

CEO, Volantio